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Error Code Reference

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This document describes about Mudfish Error Codes normally found at log files.


Mudfish Launcher (mudrun) MUST be run as administrator

This error could happen if you're not running Mudfish Launcher as Administrator.


Failed to connect to the master server.

This error points that it failed to connect to the mudfish master server for various operations.

If this error happens, you need to 'Status -> Process' menu to see "Core" log section. At that menu, please check there's an error or warning message because there's some messages to show the fundamental reasons.

If you're under the network firewall, please check Firewall Issues documents too.


No TAP-Win32 Driver found.

Starting with Mudfish Cloud VPN v5.5.9, it is configured to install the Wintun driver in addition to the OpenVPN tap-win32 driver.

If for some reason the TAP-Win32 driver does not work, please consider using the Wintun driver.

Please note that if you run Mudfish Launcher with `-N`` option, you can enable this feature. Or you can find the option at 'Setup -> Program -> Launcher' menu.

TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network device is developed by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc and shipped with a part of Mudfish Cloud VPN.

My device isn't installed

Sometimes TAP-Win32 adapter v9 isn't properly installed even if the mudfish package try to install it automatically. To check whether it's installed or not

  1. Right click on the little computer screen next to your clock and click "Open Network and Sharing Center”
  2. then go to "Change Adapter Settings".
  3. Check there is a device called TAP-Windows-Adapter-V9.

If not, then you can try the following steps.

Workaround #1

If you're using Mudfish Cloud VPN v5.5.8 or above, you can try to use Wintun driver instead of TAP-Win32 adapter v9 by enabling -N option. To enable it, you can follow the below steps:

  • Moves “Mudfish Cloud VPN” menu from Start button.

  • Opens the property window of "Mudfish Launcher" icon.

  • Modify the command which found at “Target(T)” box that as default, the following value is set::

    "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe"

  • Changes the command with -N option. For example, looks like below::

    "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe" -N

Workaround #2

  • Moves into the mudfish installation directory (normally C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN). At there you can find deltapall.bat file.
  • Runs it as Administrator.
  • Install mudfish package again.

Workaround #3

You can install it manually by downloading tap-windows at link. Or you can try to install TAP-Win32 Driver as follows:

Workaround #4

  • Please check c:\Windows\inf\ file too because it includes most detailed reason why your windows rejects the installation of TAP-Win32 adapter.


Failed to send a data to the master server: <errno> <errstr>

This error points that there's a problem to communicate between your desktop and mudfish authentication server. Please check <errno> <errstr> message because it tells the reason.

If this issue is persistent, please see Firewall Issues and try to use various option of Mudfish Launcher


Mudfish Launcher is already running.

This error means that on your system Mudfish Launcher is already running. Please check the system tray whether there is Mudfish Launcher icon. Or you can try to find mudrun.exe process with Task Manager.


Mudfish Launcher uses the port <new_port> instead of <default_port>

This warning means that Mudfish Launcher uses other listening port than TCP 8282. This should be not harmful to use Mudfish. However please check the following things:

  • Other application is using TCP 8282 port.

  • Or Mudfish Launhcer is already running.


Failed to receive information from the master server for MR record: <result> <errno> <err_msg>

This error means that Mudfish program failed to fetch mudfish node information from Mudfish master server.

If <result> value is 0, it means the remote connection terminates the connection without sending more data.

If <result> value is -1, it means there was an error while fetching the data. Depending <err_msg>, its meaning could be different:


    This error means that it failed to receive a data from master server within 5 seconds.

    It could be caused by

    • Some network firewall blocked a connection to Mudfish master server

    • Or a connection between your ISP and master server isn't stable.

    • Or Mudfish master server is busy.

You should restart Mudfish program again to fix this problem. If you think this issue is caused by blocking of network firewall, you can try to see Firewall Issues - Mudfish Master Server.


Failed to receive information from the master server for MR record: <result> <err_msg>

This issue is same error with MUDEC_00015. Please check MUDEC_00015 for details.


failed to receive information from the master server: <result> <err_string>

This error means it failed to get the response from the mudfish master server for authentication. <result> and <err_string> represent details about why this issue happens.

You can check Firewall Issues - Mudfish Master Server section for workarounds.


CreateProcess failed with error <no>: <errmsg>

Are you using the latest Mudfish package? The reason of this error is that mudfish couldn't find the default browser path of your OS or a path of cmd.exe. Please try with following examples:

  • Try to install 'Chrome' or 'Firefox' on your system and run. If they ask about setting the default browser, select 'Yes'.

  • Or scan your system with anti virus.

  • If both solutions aren't working, just open your browser then connects to

  • See Mudfish Launcher isn't working.


Wrong syntax on .conf file

This error means there's wrong syntax on .conf file which is the configuration file for Mudfish Launcher. To solve this issue, please delete .conf file which found at the mudfish installation directory and restart the mudfish.


TOL_connect(<ip>, <port>) failed: <errno> <errmsg>

This error message happens if you enabled FastConnect mode. By unknown reason, it means it failed to connect <ip> and <port> via mudfish node you'd picked.

If <port> is 8081, it means that it failed to access SOCKS proxy. So as workaround,

  1. You can try to disable FastConnect mode

  2. Or you can try to change mudfish node you'd picked to another.

If <port> is 8085, it means that it failed to access the TUNNEL proxy internally. <errmsg> shows details why it failed:

  • 60 Operation timed out

    This error means that mudfish tried to connect <ip>:<port> but no response comes in within a specific time. So the socket is timed out.

  • 64 Host is down

    This error means that there's no routing path to <ip> in mudfish core. Normally this issue means there's a problem to communicate with mudfish nodes you picked.

    Please try to change a mudfish node from one to another. If it still shows these error, please send us Problem Report.


Failed to write the routing socket message for <destination>/<netmask>/<gateway>/<local_ip> (<errnum> <errmsg>)

This error means it failed to write (insert or delete) the routing table entry in Mudfish core process due to <errmsg> reason. Most common error messages are as follows:

  • No such process

    This means it could not delete the routing table entry because there's no matching entry.

    This is normally not harmful so you can ignore.

  • Network is unreachable (51)

    This error means that there's a routing table problem to reach to the mudfish node you'd picked.

    Please check the mudfish core process log at 'Status -> Process' menu to see the full errors. And please check there's another error before this error too.


The client isn’t ready yet

This warning message indicates that the DHCP client of your OS wasn't sending IP request with DHCP protocol. Normally this could happen if the firewall of OS blocks DHCP request to TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network device.

To see workarounds, please refer MUDEC_00045 because it's caused by same reason.


The client doesn’t response with DHCP protocol

This error message is shown if your OS doesn't make any DHCP request as client to Mudfish Core program. For these cases,

  • If you're using Windows 10, sometimes this issue is caused by Windows because it doesn't actively try to lease private IP address from TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network device.

    • Please open 'Task Manager'.

    • Or please try to keep "Change Adapter Settings" window open as follows:

      1. Right click on the little computer screen next to your clock at system tray.

      2. Click "Open Network and Sharing Center"

      3. Then click "Change Adapter Settings".

      4. Done! Just keep the window open.

  • If you're using v5.5.8 or above for Windows, you can try to use -N option enabling Wintun driver instead of OpenVPN tap driver. To set this option, please check the below steps for -I option because its steps is almost same.

  • If you're using v4.3.13 or above for Windows, you can try to use -I option for Mudfish Launcher letting it to use IP Helper APIs rather than DHCP to assign IPv4 address. To set it,

    • Moves “Mudfish Cloud VPN” menu from Start button.

    • Opens the property window of "Mudfish Launcher" icon.

    • Modify the command which found at “Target(T)” box that as default, the following value is set::

      "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe"

    • Changes the command with -I option. For example, looks like below::

      "C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe" -I

    • If this option is applied properly you can find a log as follow from Mudfish Core process which found at "Status → Process" menu::

      [INFO] Setting IP address (ip) with IP Helper.

  • If you're using anti-virus or anti-malware programs, test after disabling the real-time monitoring services. For example, Norton Anti-virus program could block and drop DHCP Offer packets from Mudfish Core because it treats packets as part of ARP Spoofing.

  • Check TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network device which is a part of Mudfish Installer.

    • Sometimes DHCP feature is disabled by other VPN programs. For Mudfish, it must be enabled.

    • Check the device is enabled.

    • If IPv6 is enabled for TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network device, please disable it completely. Sometimes this solves the problem.


no entry for SID

This issue could happen by multiple reasons as follows:

  1. If you just bought the mudfish credit, you need to restart the mudfish program completely. Sometimes you can encounter this issue when you try to connect a mudfish node without restarting the problem.

  2. If your data plan is "Subscription", please check the following things:

    • You need to equip the Subscription voucher. Please check it at link.

    • If you used "Monthly maximum traffics" for the voucher, you can encounter this issue. You need to buy another subscription voucher.

  3. If a negative credit or no credit in your current account.

  4. If your equipped item is configured with invaild / dead mudfish node.

  5. If the mudfish node information doesn't be served by master server because of temporarily matter or permanently shutdown of the service.

  6. If you limits the list of mudfish nodes at 'Setup -> Nodes' menu, sometimes this issue could happen. To solve this issue, you can clear the list limitation.


Failed to set the default route.

This error means that it failed to set the default route internally for mudfish core program. Normally it's caused that it failed to fetch the mudfish node information or not permitted by various reason. For most of cases, it's related with mudfish credit.

  • Please check your account has a mudfish credit.

  • If your data plan is Subscription based, please make sure that at least one paid item is equipped.


ODR_write() error to <ip>: <err_num> <err_msg>

This error means that it failed to send the data via mudfish node whose public IP is <ip> because it encountered <err_msg>. The details about error messages are as follows:


    It failed to connect to the mudfish node due to failure of TCP handshake.


    This error means that the connection isn't established yet but it tried to send the data to the mudfish node.

    If this issue is always happening, please try to change a mudfish node to another one.

If this error happens, please try to change the mudfish node or Connection Protocols.


ODR_sendto() error to <ip>: <err_num> <err_msg>

This error means that it failed to send the data via mudfish node whose public IP is <ip> because it encountered <err_msg>. The details about error messages are as follows:


    Network is unreachable. A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network. This usually means the local software knows no route to reach the remote host.

If this issue is persistent, please check Connection Protocols and try to change the connection protocol to another.


ODR_read() for hdr error from <ip>: <err_msg>

This error means that a connection between your desktop and mudfish node <ip> you used is aborted by <err_msg> reason. The details about error messages are as follows:


    The virtual circuit was terminated due to a time-out or other failure. The application should close the socket as it is no longer usable.


    The virtual circuit was terminated by the reset packet from the mudfish node (peer). It means the connection between mudfish node and your desktop is corrupted or there's a problem at mudfish node side. Normally this issue isn't from your side. It could be a problem of the mudfish node you'd picked.

    Please try to use other mudfish nodes.


    The connection has been dropped, because of a network failure or because the system on the other end went down without notice. Normally this error means that mudfish node doesn't send any packets to you anymore.


ODR_read() for payload error from <ip>: <err_msg>"

Please check MUDEC_00062 error link for details because it's from the same reason.


ODR_recvfrom() error from <ip>: <errno> <err_msg>

This error means that it failed to receive the data from <ip>. This IP points the public IP of mudfish node you used. You need to check the error number and message for details:

  • 10090 ODR_EMSGSIZE

    This points that the message was too large to fit into the buffer pointed to by the mudfish and was truncated. This error isn't a common because the received data is over MCLBYTES (normally it's around 2 KB).

    If you stil encounter this issue, please consider to change Connection Protocols to TCP-based one.


Failed to connect the master server <ip>:<port>: <err_msg>

This error means that you can't connect to the master server using <ip>:<port>. Are you under network firewall? If then it could be possible if the firewall blocks an access to mudfish sites.

For this case, please check Mudfish Master Server link for details how to avoid.


TOL_sendto(2) error to <device_name> <private_ip> <node name> for heartbeat. (<rcode> <errno>)


This error message means it failed to send a heartbeat packet to the target mudfish node <node name>.

However if its error level is "[INFO]" not "[ERROR]", you can ignore this error message because it doesn't affect your connection


  • Please try to change a mudfish node <node name> to others

  • Or please try to change "Connection Protocol" found under "Setup → Program" menu.

  • Or please contact to the mudfish forums.


ReadFile() error (handle <handle_no>): <errno> <errmsg>

This error is related with TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network adapter when it failed to do 'read' operation. For details, <errno> and <errmsg> shows the detailed message about why:

  • 2 The system cannot find the file specified.

    This message means that it failed to find a file associated with TAP-Win32 adapter v9 adapter. This error could happen when some other processes aborted the network adapter forcibly.


ODR_write() failed: <written>, <written_expected>, <errno>

This error points that there's a problem in the internal CLI communication of mudfish core process. <errno> explains more details:


    Software caused connection abort. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host computer, possibly due to a data transmission time-out or protocol error.

For most of cases, this error is not harmful so you can ignore this issue. And please check your AV (anti-virus) or firewall programs if there's something running because it could cause this issue.


CreateIpForwardEntry() failed: <errno> <err_msg>

This error means that Mudfish core process failed to insert the routing path into your host OS. <errno> and <err_msg> points an exact reason of this failure. Known error messages are as follows:

  • One or more arguments are not correct.

    This error means it passed the invalid arguments for calling CreateIpForwardEntry() function. If you encounter this issue, please send Problem Report for details.


ODR_CreateIpForwardEntry failed: IP <ip>/<netmask>/<nexthop> (ifindex <idx> metric <metric1>)

This error means that it failed to create the forwarning entry (routing table) for Windows. Please check 'Status → Process' menu for previous errors first. Normally you can see MUDEC_00124 error before this error which shows a reason error message.


ODR_CreateIpForwardEntry failed: IP <ip>/<netmask>/<gateway> (ifindex <interface_index> metric <metric_value>)

This error means that Mudfish core process failed to insert the routing path (<ip>, <netmask> and <gateway>) into your host OS.

MUDEC_00137 (router)

ODR_writev() error: <errmsg>

If <errmsg> points ODR_EIO, please ignore this error message because it's not harmful.


ODR_read() error: <errno> <errmsg>

This error means that it failed to read a data from tap(4) driver (in Windows, it's called as TAP-Win32 adapter v9). <errno> and <errmsg> points details:

  • 10011 ODR_ENOENT

    Please check MUDEC_00086 error section and see '2 The system cannot find the file specified.' entry for details.

  • 10019 ODR_ENODEV

    When this issue happens, please check your OS or system whether there's a process running to kill or block the operation of Mudfish.

    Normally this issue means that some 3rd-party program intercepts the network device what Mudfish is using.


udp_relay: TOL_sendto(2) failed to <private_ip>: <error_num> <error_msg>

This error could happen if you're using FastConnect mode. It indicates that it failed to send packets to mudfish node whose private IP is <private_ip> due to <error_msg>.

  • No buffer space available

    It means too many connections are made from your desktop to Mudfish so no more resources are available to keep the connections.

  • Host is down

    It means the connection between your desktop and mudfish node you'd picked isn't established yet.

If you turn off FastConnect mode, no longer you'll see this error. Or please terminate the programs which make the network traffics.


Path MTU is wrong.

In my personal opinion, if it doesn't affect your game connection, it doesn't require to be fixed. However if it affects, it could be little complicated:

To address this issue, you can check the following items:

  • Check your default MTU set on your network device driver. For example, if you tried or used a fast-pick kind of utilities before, these sometimes changed your MTU value forcibly without notificiation. With visiting the advanced option of each network drivier, you can check it.

  • Or tried to change the MTU value of TAP-Win32 adapter with smaller value. Its default value is 1500 (bytes). However it can try with small value (e.g. 1450, 1400, 1300 or a value you'd like to try).


TCP_socket(2) failed: <errno> <err_string>

This error could happen if you enabled FastConnect mode. Depending on <errno> number, its reason could be different:

  • 55 No buffer space available

    This message means that Mudfish program could not create a TCP socket anymore due to out of resources allocated for program. This message caused by that your desktop created too many connections to the internet.

    Please check the following things:

    • If Full VPN mode is enabled, please turn off if it's not required.

    • Or please terminate any other programs cause the network traffics or connections.


Wrong TCP format hdr: <char>

This error means that your connection is something wrong to communicate with mudfish node you'd picked. Or your connection is monitored and filtered by network firewalls.

You can try to use other Connection Protocols or change a mudfish node.


Failed to open '/dev/tap7': <errno> <err_string>

Depending on <errno> code, the fundamental reason could be different. Please check the following lists.

  • Please use latest Mudfish version available at link. No longer tuntap driver is used for Mac OS X.

  • Sometimes this issue is caused by that already mudfish process is running. Please check 'mudfish' process is running and kill it.


SID <sid> <location> isn't alive

This message means that one of mudfish nodes whose SID is <sid> and used by your configuration is down. You can see the name of the mudfish node at <location> part.

You need to check your Full VPN mode configuration if you enabled it because it's currently pointing dead node so your traffic could detour another nodes.


Too many heartbeat errors. Please check your firewalls.

This message points that your connections used for data path with mudfish nodes are continually encountering the delivery failure. Depending on your network environment, your connection is blocked by ISP or country (e.g. Great Firewall of China). Please check Firewall Issues link and try with different protocol or mac address.


Packet loss rate <lossrate> to <nodename>

This message means that you're using <nodename> for mudfish configuration but mudfish found that your connection between your desktop and mudfish node you picked is unstable. <nodename> points the name of mudfish node you selected. <lossrate> points the packet loss rate. To solve this issue, you should:

  • If you're familiar with WinMTR, please check How to use WinMTR link and test to the public IP of mudfish node you picked. The public IP of mudfish node is found at link.

    It'll show where this packet loss is from.

  • Please check your ISP first. Sometimes this issue could be caused by your ISP side.

  • If your ISP works fine, please try to change mudfish node to another. Sometimes this could be helpful to solve this issue.


Failed to connect the master server.

This error means that it failed to connect to the mudfish master server to get the user configuration.

Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see "Launcher" log section and check if there's an error or warning message there before showing this error.


authc_read() failed: <result>

This issue points that it failed the configuration information from the mudfish master server. So it means that there's a problem to communicate with the master server.

You need to check Firewall Issues - Mudfish Master Server section for workarounds.


Wrong result size. (<received_size> / <expected_size>)

This issue points that it failed to receive the user configuration from mudfish authentication server. This error means that it only received <received_size> bytes while Mudfish expects <expected_size> bytes long.

You need to check Firewall Issues - Mudfish Master Server section for workarounds.


Failed to fetch the configuration. <result>

This error is same one with MUDEC_00254.


sendmsg(2) for DHCP server failed: <errno> <errmsg>

This error means something is wrong internally in Mudfish Core to lease the private IP for the client. You can encounter the following errors:

  • 65 No route to host

    This error means that no route to the destination IP.

If you still encounter this issue with the complete restart of Mudfish program, please check MUDEC_00045 link and try to use -I option and test.


ODR_sendto() error to <ip_addr> Message too long. Check your path MTU. (curmtu <value> buflen <value>

This error means there is a MTU (Maximem Transmission Unit) error from your desktop to mudfish node you're using whose IP address is <ip_addr>.

Workaround #1

This workaround is recommended rather than workaround #2 not to lose any performance. To fix this problem, you should modify MTU value of TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network adapter and follow these steps:

  1. Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type adapter, and then, under Network and Sharing Center, click View network connections.

  2. Right-click TAP-Win32 adapter v9 connection, and then click Properties. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

  3. Click Configure button at Networking tab.

  4. At Advanced tab, you can find MTU property. So you can reduce its value (e.g. 1400, 1300 and etc) from 1500 (default value) until this message is gone.

Workaround #2

Sometimes this issue is solved by changing the connection protocol from UDP to TCP.

  1. Visits 'Setup → Program' menu.

  2. Changes to TCP based protocol / port.


udp_relay: TOL_sendmsg(2) to <ip>:<port> failed: <errnum> <errmsg>

This error message is shown only if you turned on FastConnect mode. This shows that it failed to send a UDP packet to <ip>:<port> through Mudfish. <errnum> <errmsg> represents a detail reason as follows:

  • 55 No buffer space available

    This means no more buffer space on UDP socket used by UDP proxy of Mudfish. Normally it points that there's a problem to communicate with mudfish node.

    To solve this problem:

    • You can try to turn off FastConnect mode.
    • Or you can try to use other mudfish nodes.
    • Or you can try to change the connection protocol to another.


arp: <ip> moved from <macaddr> to <macaddr> on <interface>

This error means that something is wrong at Mudfish services. Please contact to us via Mudfish Forums to fix this.


Failed to fetch the routing table.

This error means Mudfish failed to receive the routing table information from master server. Sometimes it could be failed due to network issue but if it keeps persistent, please try to follow below:


Failed to receive heartbeat resp -1

This error means Mudfish failed to receive a heartbeat response from the master server. Sometimes it could be failed due to network issue but if it keeps persistent, it means one of followings:

  • Network Firewall could block your connection.

  • A connection between your ISP and mudfish master server isn't stable.


CryptAcquireContext failed with error <errno>: <errmsg>

This issue could happen while Mudfish try to check the permission of creating the encryption key.

  • Ox8009001a Keyset as registered is invalid.

    If you encounter this error, there's a possiblity that the keystore file is corrupted. Please try to test whether the below steps are helpful:

    1. Open the explorer and moves to C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\ directory.
    2. Renames S-1-5-18 direcotry to S-1-5-18.old.
    3. Then moves C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\ direcotry.
    4. Renames RSA direcotry to RSA.old.
    5. Then reboot the machine.
  • 0x80090024 The profile for the user is a temporary profile

    Please check MUDEC_00286 section for workarounds.


MUDEC_00286: CryptAcquireContext, newkeyset failed with error: <errno> <errmsg>

This error could happen at very beginning while Mudfish Launcher is executed. It means it failed to initialize the random key generator using current your account. Normally this issue happens because the password for account isn't set. To solve this problem you can try to

  • Create an other user account for Windows OS then try with it.

  • Or set a password for current user's password.


Failed to receive information from the master server for MR record: <result> <errmsg>

This error means that it failed to fetch the information of mudfish nodes from mudfish master server.

<errmsg> points the reason about why this issue happens:


    This message means that receiving the data was timed out. So it means the master server didn't respond or there's other network error due to network firewall.

To solve this problem you can try to

  • Checks Firewall - Mudfish Master Server document if you feel the connection blocked by network firewall.

  • Use other mudfish nodes or restart the mudfish problem.


Failed to receive information from the master server for MS record: <result> <errmsg>

This issue is same error with MUDEC_00305. Please check MUDEC_0030t for details.


Failed to write the routing socket message: <errno> <errmsg>

This error means that it failed to add the rouing table entry in the mudfish core. <errno> and <errmsg> indicate why it was failed. Here's detailed error messages:

  • 51 Network is unreachable

    This error means it's not possible to connect the mudfish node you'd picked. For this case, please try to change a mudfish node from one to another.


Failed to get any OS level event for reconnecting.

This error means that Mudfish back-end virtual driver couldn't get any events from OS (Windows / Windows / Mac OS X) regarding to the connection. This issue could happens if your network firewall on desktop or other network blocks the connection between your desktop and mudfish node you'd picked.

To solve this problem you can try to do

  1. Try to use other mudfish nodes.

  2. Or change Connection Protocols to another.


Failed to receive information. <index> / <rs_count> / <result> / <size>

This error message means that you failed to get the routing table information after authentication.

If this error happens, you need to 'Status -> Process' menu to see "Core" log section. At that menu, please check there's an error or warning message because there's some messages to show the fundamental reasons.

Normally if <result> is -1, you can see MUDEC_00440 or MUDEC_00441 error code.


Failed to authenticate using ID/PWD

This error means that it failed to authenticate using your current username and password.

However if your password works to visit the mudifish web site but doesn't work with Mudfish Launcher, please visit and try to change your password to simple combination. Then try it again.


Failed to fetch the static node information.

This error means that it failed to fetch the static node information from the mudfish master server. For most of cases this error could happen by one of the followings:

  • When the connection between your ISP and mudfish master server is unstable.

  • Or when something blocks the connection to the mudfish master server.

  • Or your OS system has a wrong winsock setup.

To solve this problem, please try the followings:


Slowed down due to speed limitation.

This error is caused by that your data plan is Subscription. At Subscription it has a speed cap so your traffics could be dropped by mudfish program if its limitation is hit.

To solve this problem, you can try one of the following things:

  1. You can try to change your data plan to PPT (Pay Per Traffic).

  2. Or terminate the program making network activities to reduce the network traffic usage.

  3. Or you can upgrade your voucher type for Subscription data plan. For details, you can visit link.


Failed to fetch static node <sid> information.

This error means it failed to lease IP address to communicate with a node <sid> link. When this issue still happens, please visit 'Status → Process' menu to see the core logs. It'll show other error or warning messages which happened before this error.


Failed to receive a data. (res <ret> / <expected_size>)

This error points that it failed to receive a data from the mudfish master server. It means that it tried to read <expected_size> but failed with <ret>.

When this issue still happens, please visit 'Status → Process' menu to see the core logs. It'll show other error or warning messages which happened before this error.

If this issue is still happening, please check Firewall Issues document and try to use -O or -t option.


Failed to connect to the mudfish master server.

This error means that it failed to connect to the master server of mudfish for authentication. Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see the core logs. You can find other error or warning level messages before this code.


Failed to recvfrom(2) the data from master server. Error <errno> <errmsg>

This error means it failed to connect to the master server of Mudfish for authentication.


Your account isn't activated.

This error means that the mudfish authentication server blocks your connection because too many tries for ID/PWD authentication within 1 minutes.

Please check your browser or mudfish programs whether it does wrong or not. So please wait around 5 minutes and try to login again.


Not enough information to calculate shortest pathes.

This error means that RTT server of the mudfish side failed to find the user's RTT information. For this case, please check How to update RTT information and try to test.


VSS_open(<hostname>:<port>) failed: <errnum> <os_errno>

This error means you failed to connect <hostname>:<port>. The reason depends on <errnum> as follows:


    This means that the connection was timed out. For most of cases, this issue is caused by the network firewall.


    This means that it failed to perform DNS resolving for the domain. Sometimes this issue could happen your DNS requests are inspected by network firewall.


Hit the speed cap.

This error is caused by that your data plan is Subscription. At Subscription it has a speed cap so your traffics could be dropped by mudfish nodes if its limitation is hit.

To solve this problem, you can try one of the following things:

  1. You can try to change your data plan to PPT (Pay Per Traffic).

  2. Or terminate the program making network activities to reduce the network traffic usage.

  3. Or you can upgrade your voucher type for Subscription data plan. For details, you can visit link.


Failed to connect the RTT server.

This error means that it failed to connect to the master server of mudfish for RTT information. Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see the core logs. It'll show more details about why.


Failed to connect the master server.

This error means that it failed to connect to the master server of mudfish for authentication. Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see the core logs. It'll show more details about why.


Failed to connect the master server <ip:port>

This error means that it's failed to connect to the master server using <ip:port>. Normally these IP and port are one of mudfish master servers.

However the log level of this message is '[INFO]' level because Mudfish tries to use other IP and port and connect for retry. So you can ignore this message if you can't see any WARN or ERROR messages after that.


Failed to connect <ip:port> due to <error_code>.

This error points that mudflow (Mudfish Flow Controller) process failed to connect <ip:port>. Normally <ip> points the private IP address of mudfish node you picked. <error_code> points the specific reason why it failed:


    This error means your Windows OS blocks the connection. For most of cases it's caused by AV (Anti Virus) program.

    Please try to add mudfish processes as follows to the exceptional list:

    • mudfish.exe
    • mudflow.exe
    • mudrun.exe


Failed to connect <ip:port> (errno error_code)

This error points that it failed to connect <ip:port> to set up the configuration for Advanced Node / MultiPath Node settings. Normally <ip:port> is the private IP and port of mudfish node you'd picked.

error_code indicates the reason:


    An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

    Are you using AV (anti-virus) / firewall program? Please check that those are blocking a connection of mudfish first.

    This message indicates that the connection is aborted by the software you're using on your box.


    No route to host. A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.

If this issue happens, please try to change a mudfish node setting to another combination.


Failed to connect to <ip>:<port> (errno <errno>)

This error points that it failed to connect <ip:port> to set up the configuration for Advanced Node / MultiPath Node settings. Normally <ip:port> is the private IP and port of mudfish node you'd picked. This error is like MUDEC_00415 but this is happening on Linux or Mac OS X environments.

error_code indicates the reason:

  • Mac OS X

    • 60 (ETIMEDOUT)

      Operation timed out. It tried to connect but failed within the timeout.


No mudfish nodes picked for the advanced node for the item <itemid>

This error points that it failed to pick a mudfish node which used for advanced mode or multipath mode. For most of cases, it's related with "Auto Select" option for mudfish node pick-up.

To solve this problem:

  • Don't use 'Auto Select' option at item configuration.

  • Or please check How to update RTT information link and try to update your RTT information.


RTT stddev values are over 15% of your RTT avg to the closest mudfish nodes. Please check your ISP whether there's an issue or network congestion.

This error indicates the RTT standard deviation is more than 15% of the mean value while performing RTT calculcation internally.

If you see this message, it means that the connections to mudfish nodes closest to your current location are unstable. The detailed calculation formula is:

  1. Picks 6 mudfish nodes closest to the current user among all mudfish nodes and periodically performs RTT calculation.

  2. If all six checked mudfish nodes show an RTT stddev (standard deviation) of more than 15% of the RTT avg (average), a warning message is displayed.

If this error persists, please check the following things:

  • Do you use wireless connection (WIFI) rather than the LAN cable to connect the internet? If you're using WIFI, RTT stddev could be affected by the strength of WIFI signals.

  • Check your ISP or check whether you have internal QoS or firewall settings.


recv(2) error: read <rc> error <errnum>

This error means that it failed to receive the data from the mudfish master server or nodes. The reason depends on <errnum>:


    An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.


    This message means that receiving the data was timed out. So it means the master server didn't respond or there's other network error due to network firewall or other reason.

Please consider to check Firewall Issues document if you're under the network firewall.


Give up to wait the snode backed for SID <sid>

This error means that the mudfish flow controller (mudflow.exe) can't find a mudfish node information you set. If you see this mesagee, you can check the following things:

  • Checks your mudfish credits. Sometimes this issue is caused by out of mudfish credits.

  • Or visit 'Setup -> Nodes' menu and clear your limitation for picking the mudfish nodes. Sometimes this issue is caused by mismatch of mudfish node information between the mudfish flow controller and the mudfish core.

  • Or if all other things are fine but this issue still happens, please check Mudfish Master Server link and consider to test with -O option.


Failed to send to the routing information (localip <ip> errno <errno>)

This error points that it failed to send the routing table information to the mudfish node you'd picked for Advanced Node Mode. If this issue persists, you can try to change the node mode from Advanced Mode to Basic Mode or Multi-Path Mode.

<errno> indicates why this error happens:

  • 10054 (WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer)

    An existing connection was forcibly closed by the mudfish node. Normally it means that there's a problem to connect.


AddIPAddress() failed: <if_index> <errno>

This error could happen if you're using -I option for mudfish launcher. Depending on <errno>, it could mean different reasons as follows:

  • 1168 (ERROR_NOT_FOUND)

    This issue means Mudfish can't find <if_index> network interface from your system.

    If this issue is still happening, please send us Problem Report.


    This error code means there's already a exisiting object to TAP-Win32 network v9 adapter. So you can ignore if mudfish works fine.


Not reachable to mudfish node <ip_addr> for setting ADN / Multi Path mode (found <found> error <error>)

This error could happen if you're using 'Advanced Node Mode' for the game item. And this message means that it failed to connect to <ip_addr> with <error>.

If this issue is continually happening, please send us Problem Report because we need to check the internal logs.


Failed to recvfrom(3) the flush information (received <received> / expected <expected> / errno <errno> / sid <sid>)

This error means that it failed to receive the data from the mudfish node you're using. SID <sid> points the unique number of mudfish node you used. The reason depends on <errno>:


    This message means that receiving the data was timed out. So it means the mudfish server didn't respond or there's other network error due to network firewall or other reason.

If this issue still persists, please consider to use other mudfish node. Sometimes changing the mudfish node solves this issue.


Increasing no of fragmented packets.

If the issue is still happening, it means that current network device (NIC) is constantly receiving fragmented packets. You can ignore this error message if you don't have any problems to use mudfish. However the packet loss rate could be affected by fragmented packet.

It is recommended to resolve the issue as much as possible because it increases.

Usually, one of the followings can cause this issue:

  • MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of NIC network device has an unusually small value.

  • If MTU value used for communication with the mudfish nodes is larger than expected, this issue could happen.

Please check the following list to resolve this issue.

  1. Check MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of currently installed network devices. For ethernet its default value is 1500. If it's more smaller, you can reset to the default value.

  2. If you enter the mudfish UI 'Settings -> Program' menu, there is an MTU menu. Try setting this value to 1400 (the mudfish default) or 1300.


Too big UDP packet to send.

This error means that your game client is trying to send a bigger UDP packet than what mudfish could handle.

Please visit 'Setup -> Program' menu and adjust your MTU with lowering the value. For example, you can try to test with the following values:

  • 1350
  • 1250
  • 1150


WSAIoctl() failed: error <errno> retbytes <bytes>

This error means the redirect record associated with the socket failed to fetch. <errno> indicates more details:

  • 10022 (WSAEINVAL)

    Normally this error means the mudfish kernel driver for windows filtering platform is conflict with other AV (anti-virus) or firewall programs.

    Please check that on your machine there's a program which could intercept your connection and do something. If there's one, you can try to uninstall it and test it again.

    As a workaround, you can try

    • Turn off WFP Item mode.

      This will disable WFP feature of mudfish and no longer you will encounter this issue.

    • If you still want to use WFP Item mode, you can send the outputs of the following command from Command Prompt to check which the kernel drivers are loaded. Please send the outputs to [email protected] email address.

      • driverquery /v

      • netsh wfp show state

        This command dumps the WFP status and creates wfpstate.xml file.


bind failed with error: <errno>

This error means that it failed to bind a socket with specific IP:port for listener. The <errno> explains why:


    Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

    Please make sure that all mudfish processes are restarted properly. Normally this error points that a mudfish process is already running.


StartService() failed: <errno>

In the case of this error, it means that the windows service for Mudfish WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) driver did not run properly. The detailed reason depends on the value of <errno>.


    In this case, there can be two cases.

    1. This may occur if the mudwfp.sys driver is not installed properly. Please check if the mudfish package was installed properly and there were no errors during the installation process.

    2. Or, if the Windows version you are using is 7 or lower. For the WFP feature, it must be at least Windows 8 or higher to work properly.


    This means that Mudfish WFP kernel driver been blocked from loading. This points that something is blocking to load.

    Please check your firewall or AV (anti-virus) programs whether it blocks or not. For most of cases, this issue is triggered by them.


DNS poisoning dectected. Please encrypt your DNS request.

This error means that you have a problem to resolve the mudfish domain name as follows:

  • ->
  • ->
  • ->

So this erro means that any of above domains is resolved as different IP. In middle of your network, something intercepts your DNS request and modifies the DNS response.

This issue could happen if you're under the network firewall or GWF (Great Wall Firewall). To avoid this issue, please check Connecting Mudfish in China link.


<domain> DNS address is poisoned (count <count>). Please encrypt your DNS requests.

This error means that you have a problem to resolve the domain name. In middle of your network, something intercepts your DNS request and modifies the DNS response.

This issue could happen if you're under the network firewall or GWF (Great Wall Firewall). To avoid this issue, please check Connecting Mudfish in China link.


Checking RTT to mudfish nodes are failing. Are you under network firewall?

When mudfish is launched, the program measures RTT (Round Trip Time) between your desktop and mudfish nodes. This error indicates that the RTT measurement is failed or RTT is relatively high (above 1.5 secs).

Please check that you're under network firewall. And try to change 'RTT Checking Method' found at 'Setup -> Program' menu.


NetworkExtension isn't ready yet

This warning means that mudfish core process didn't get any responses from mudfish NetworkExtension module. Please check two things first:

  • Check that VPN Configuration for mudfish is installed properly.

  • System Extension module for mudfish is installed properly. You should explicitly enable the systemextension module for mudfish.

  • Try to install the mudfish package for Intel CPU. Sometimes it solves a problem.

To solve this issue, please try to uninstall mudfish completely and try to reinstall mudfish from the scratch. You can check the following links:


NetworkExtension doesn't set utun device.

For this case, please check above MUDEC_00546 section. This error means that Mudfish can't see that the utun driver is up for 20 seconds.


Failed to sendto the ping information. (errno <errno>)

This error means you're using "Advanced Node mode" for the game item settings but failed to send a ping probe to the mudfish nodes you're using. <errno> indicates details why:


    Connection reset by peer. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly stopped, the host is rebooted, the host or remote network interface is disabled, or the remote host uses a hard close. This error may also result if a connection was broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress.


Failed to connect mudfish short_path server.

This error indicates that mudfish program can't access to domain using TCP 10012 to get the recommended routing path. Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see the detailed error reason.

In the log file, other error messages will exist.


Failed to connect mudfish API server.

This error means that there's a problem to calculate the shotest pathes via mudfish API server. However this error message doesn't say the fundamental reason of this failure. There's another error logs before this error line to point the cause.

Please check 'Status -> Process -> Flow Controller' menu to see the detailed error reason.

If this issue persists, please send us Problem Report while this issue is happening. We need to check the internal logs.


Failed to restart all shared-memory stuffs in 5 secs (<mudfish_log>/<mudfish_stat>/<mudflow>/<mudwfp_proxy>)

This error indicates that it failed to restart the shared memory file which used to communicate between mudfish nodes. Normally this issue could happen while you tried to log out.

When you get this issue happen, you need to check the following parts:

  • <mudfish_log>
  • <mudfish_stat>
  • <mudflow>
  • <mudwfp_proxy>

If the number value of this entry is 1, it means it failed to restart. 0 means it successfully restarted. Normally this issue could happen something is holding the file reference on Windows. It could happen if you're running the personal firewall or anti-virus programs.


vhttp_rxhdr error.

This error indicates that mudfish program failed to parse HTTP response header got from the server specified. Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see the detailed error reason.

In the log file, other error messages will exist.


VHTTP_rxbody error.

This error indicates that mudfish program failed to send HTTP POST request to the server specified. Please check 'Status -> Process' menu to see the detailed error reason.

In the log file, other error messages will exist.


recv(2) error: read <return_value> error <errno>

This error points that there's a problem to receive the data from mudfish master server or mudfish RTT server. <errno> indicates the detailed reason:

  • 10060 (WSAETIMEDOUT)

    Connection timed out. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond.

If this issue still happens, please check Mudfish Master Server link and consider to test with -O option.


ODR_read() for hdr error from <ip>: <errmsg>

This error points that one of the brokers for Multi-Path support encountered an error. If you don't have a problem with your game connection, you can ignore this issue.

  • <ip>

    This is a public IP of mudfish node which Multi-Path broker used.

  • <errmsg>

    Please check MUDEC_00062 error link for details because it's from the same reason.


ODR_read() for payload error from <ip>: <err_msg>"

Please check MUDEC_00062 error link for details because it's from the same reason.


No DHCP enabled for TAP-Win32 adapter v9

In case of this error, it means that DHCP setting is not enabled for the TAP-Win32 adapter v9 device installed in the system when Mudfish is installed.

To resolve this issue, please do the following:

  • Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Change adapter options menu.

  • From there, open the properties window of the TAP-Win32 adapter v9 device.

  • Open the properties of the 'Network -> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)' item.

  • Then enable the "Obtain an IP address automatically" function there. Also enable "Obtain DNS server address automatically".

After doing this, restart the mudfish completely and the problem will be solved.


UDP: select timeout for <ip>:<port>

This error means that it failed to get UDP response from <ip>:<port> so it means the packet loss. However you can ignore this issue because normally it could happen if your internet isn't stable or there's a problem in Mudfish node.


TCP: select timeout for <ip>:<port>

This error means that it failed to get TCP response from <ip>:<port> so it means the packet loss. However you can ignore this issue because normally it could happen if your internet isn't stable or there's a problem in Mudfish node.


Due to too much data used in this month, your speed cap is more limited.

If your data plan is Subscription, this issue could happen when the monthly maximum usage of the subscription voucher is exceeded.

For detailed usage limits, please refer to Data Plans link.


bind(2) failed: <errno> <errstr>

This error means that it failed to open the socket used to communicate between mudfish and OpenVPN client. <errno> <errstr> indicates more details what error means:


    This error means that it failed to open the UDP socket at on the box.

    Please terminate all mudfish processes first and test it again whether it's still the same.


A valid IPv6 address is in operation. Please note that traffic via IPv6 addresses will not pass through Mudfish.

Please check the below MUDEC_00990 error link for details.


A valid IPv6 address is in operation. Please note that traffic via IPv6 addresses will not pass through Mudfish.

This warning message means that your OS (Operating System) has a valid IPv6 address and accessible to the internet via IPv6 address.

This notification is to inform that Mudfish doesn't handle IPv6 address. So even if Full VPN mode is enabled on Mudfish, IPv6 connection will not be filtered and will not go through Mudfish.

For example, domain has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you want to watch Netflix via Mudfish, sometimes this issue makes a problem when the connection is established via IPv6 address.

To solve this issue, you need to disable IPv6 on your system. Please check the following links for details:


SSL_read(3) failed: syscall (error <errno>)

This error messages means that it failed to read the data from SSL connection. Normally this message points that the failure was triggered by the system environment. <errno> points the system error code:


    A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.


Can't calculate the RTT to the destination using the ICMP protocol.

In the case of this issue, it means that the ping test using the ICMP protocol to the destination of your Mudfish item or Custom item is not working correctly.

This message should be followed by the following message.

  • "If the problem persists, please contact an administrator via the Mudfish forum"

    If you are experiencing this issue, it means that the ping test to the destination of the Mudfish item you are using is not working. In this case, you can't fix it on your end because it's a mudfish issue. It requires a help from Mudfish admin to update it.

  • "Please revisit the destination of your Custom item."

    If this message follows, it means that the ICMP ping to the destination set by your Custom Item is not working correctly. You will need to resolve this issue yourself.

    In this case, the destination IP is incorrect, so please test by entering a new IP that will echo the ICMP ping.


HTTP rx timeout (fd:<fd> <timeout_value> secs)

This error means that it failed to read the data from the remote and it's timed out.

When this issue occurs, other error/warning messages are also logged.


vhttps_rxhdr error.

This error means that it failed to receive HTTP response header.


Failed to update the mudfish VPN profile: <err_string>

This error means that the VPN profile for Mudfish VPN has a problem to be updated. <err_string> explains details why:


Loading the mudfish system extension requires user approval.

This error means that the system extension for Mudfish aren't allowed by the user.

Please check Installation (Desktop) - Mac OS X link and allow it.