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Installing Mudfish

Mudfish Cloud VPN for Router is OpenWRT based and there are two packages; one for core process, other for OpenWRT LuCI UI.

Supported OpenWRT

We currently officially support the OpenWRT version below.

  • 23.05
  • 22.03
  • 20.02
  • 19.07
  • 18.06

Supported Architectures

The following architectures are currently supported:

  • arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4

  • arm_cortex-a9

  • mips_24kc

  • mipsel_24kc

  • mipsel_74kc

Dependency Packages

In order for the Mudfish program to work properly on the router, you need to install the following packages:

  • ip

    Used to set the routing table entries for mudfish game items.

  • kmod-tun: tun(4) driver

  • libopenssl

  • libpthread

  • librt

  • zlib

Individual packages for your router are available at link. You need to install it before installing the mudfish packages.

Please check your OpenWRT version and pick a proper package based on your architecture.

At the below examples, this document assumes it uses OpenWRT v18.06.1.

Installation LuCi Web Interface

# opkg update
# opkg install luci

If you're installing mudfish for OpenWRT 19.07, luci-compat package is required:

# opkg install luci-compat

Installation using opkg

You can use opkg command to install Mudfish package based on Man page of opkg document. For example, If you'd like to install 18.06.1 (for ramips-mt7628 processor) version of Mudfish for OpenWRT, you can use the following commands:

Please check link to see the full list of mudfish packages for OpenWRT versions.

# opkg install
# opkg install