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Error Codes

In this section, I'll describe each of the error codes that can come up using the Mudfish iOS app and describe their solutions.

If the problem is not solved by the methods described below, please ask at the Mudfish Forum.


Got a nil response from the provider

When this issue happens, normally it means that the packet tunnel of Mudfish app didn't be installed properly. To fix this issue, please try to follow:

  1. Uninstall the existing mudfish app.

  2. Reinstall the mudfish app from AppStore.

  3. After the login, please make sure that you "Add VPN configuration".


https request failed

This error points that there's a problem to connect to mudfish website via SSL (HTTPS) protocol. The following are which you can encounter:

  • Code=-1202

    The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk.

    This error code means that you're under the network firewall which perform DPI (Deep Packet Inspection).

    Please check you're already running any kind of VPN-based filtering app or your ISP or router performs DPI.


connect(2) fail: <errno> <err_message>

This error points that there's a problem to measure RTT between your phone and mudfish nodes. <errno> <err_message> shows the detail why:

  • 51 Network is unreachable

    This means that the connection to the mudfish node isn't reachable. Please check whether your internet connection works fine or you're running other VPN programs.


writeDatagram error: <errstr>

This error points that you failed to send UDP packet to the mudfish node you picked. By checking <errstr> message, you can see more details about why:

  • Code=57 "Socket is not connected"

    This message means you're under the network firewall. If this issue happens please try to use other mudfish nodes.


bad authentication <errno>

This error means there's an authentication problem between your iPhone and mudfish auth server. Please check the following error codes for details:

  • -2

    This error code means that there's a problem in the connection between your phone and mudfish master server. Normally other errro logs will be logged before this error.

  • -3

    This means your ID / passowrd is wrong. Please check your ID / password again. Or please try to log out from the mudfish app and log in again.


not enough credits

This message means your account doesn't have a mudfish credit. You need to buy mudfish credits at link.


Client error while sigining in: error Domain = <domain> Code=<errno> <err_string>

This error means that it failed to send the HTTP request to the mudfish web site for sign-in operation. The symptom is depending on <errno> as follows:

  • -1202

    The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk.

    This error code means that you're under the network firewall which perform DPI (Deep Packet Inspection).

  • 1005 "The network connection was lost."

    This error means that the underlying TCP connection that’s carrying the HTTP request disconnected while the HTTP request was in progress.

    Please check your network has the network firewall. If you're connecting from China mainland, please be aware that GWF (Great Wall Firewall) blocks Mudfish websites.


Failed to read for auth: http <http> error <errno> <errmsg>

This error code means it failed to read the data from mudfish master server. <http> points that the network bypass mode is enabled or not. <errno> and <errmsg> shows why it happens:

  • 35 Resource temporarily unavailable

    This error means that the authentication response isn't delivered in time. So the socket is timed out.

If you didn't try to use the network pass mode, please test with it enabled. You can enable it at "Sign In" screen of Mudfish app by touching the fire icon.


Failed to read for auth (r <return_code> errno <err_number> <err_msg>)

This error code means that it failed to read the expected data from the authentication server of Mudfish. Normally this error means that there's a connection problem between your phone and mudfish server.

<err_msg> describes more details about why it failed. Each <err_number> means:

  • 35 Resource temporarily unavailable

    This error means that the mudfish master server doesn't send the response within 10 seconds.

    If this issue persists, try to terminate the mudfish app completely and log in again.


error response for auth (reason <reason_code>)

This message means that the authentication server of Mudfish returns a error code for your authentication. <reason_code> points why it happens:

  • 4

    This code points that your sessioin token is expired. You need to sign in again with your username and password.

    Please terminate a Mudfish app completely from iOS then then sign in again.


Invalid form

This error means that something is wrong in the username or the password to sign in. If this issue happens, please log out from the app and sign in again.


Failed to delete file <filepath>

This is a warning message and ignorable. So you don't need to worry about this message in my opinion because it doesn't affect to the connection status via Mudfish.


Stopping the mudfish tunnel. (reason NEProviderStopReason(rawValue: <reason>)

This message means that Mudfish tunnel is stopping. <reason> points why it's stopping.

  • 1 NEProviderStopReasonUserInitiated

    The user stopped the provider extension. This means the user manually touched the stop button.