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Error Codes

If the problem is not solved by the methods described below, please ask at the Mudfish Forum.


Firewall bypass feature is currently disabled.

This message means that the mudfish disabled the authentication via the firewall bypass feature temporarilly.

Normally it happens when Mudfish web site is under DDoS attack. Please don't use the firewall bypass feature. Or please use Mudfish under the environment where no the network firewall exists.


Failed to get information: (num)

This error can be caused by poor authentication with the mudfish authentication server. Depending on (num), its reason could be different. The reason for each (num) is as follows:

  • -1

    This code means that the TCP connection to the mudfish master server failed to establish due to some unexpected reason.

    Please check that there's a network firewall preventing the connection or try to change the network from WIFI to LTE/5G or LTE/5G to WIFI.

  • -2

    This can occur if the connection to the Mudfish Authentication Server is established, but the response cannot be received after sending authentication information.

    Usually, in this case, please check that there's a network firewall on your network that prevents you from connecting to the mudfish server, or if your personal firewall / antivirus program is blocking the connection.

  • -3

    This number indicates that your ID/PWD isn't correct or found. Please try to sign out and sign in again. To sign up, you can find a menu at the app configuration.

  • -9

    This number indicates that the authentication using the same ID was repeated several times within a short period of time so your connection was blacklisted by the authentication daemon.

    When this error occurs, please stop using the mudfish for a while and try connecting again after about 5 minutes.


Failed to fetch the staticnodes. (r <error_num>)

This message means that Mudfish app failed to fetch the information of mudfish nodes.


Failed to get the default gateway for DNS (sid <sid>)

This issue means there's a problem to communicate with mudfish RTT server. When this issue happens, other mudfish error codes already are logged to show the details.

Please check that there's a network firewall between your phone and mudfish master servers. As temporary workaronds,

  • Please terminate the mudfish app completely and restart the mudfish app.

  • Or try to pick another mudfish node to use.


No mudfish credits available.

This error message indicates one of the followings:

  1. If your data plan is PPT (Pay-Per-Traffic), the issue is caused by lack of mudfish credits. Please purchase mudfish credits at link.

  2. If your data plan is SUB (Subscriptioin), normally you don't have buy the Subscription voucher. For details, please visit Policy change for Data Plan - 20210607 link.


Can't use the mudfish node you picked.

In the case of this error, if you try to use the mudfish node picked in the mudfish app, but for some reason it can not be used, it could happen. It usually comes out for the following reasons.

  • If you have a PPT(Pay Per Traffic) data plan but no paid items are equipped.

    In this case, log in to and equip at least one paid item.

  • If the mudfish server is dead, this could happen. Then try to log out and log back in to the app to get the latest relay server information.


Failed to read for auth (r <return_code> errno <error_code> <error_msg>)

This error means that it's successful to connect to the authentication server of Mudfish and send an information. <return_code> shows more details:

  • -1

    If <return_code> is -1, it means the mudfish authentication server doesn't response in time. Please check <error_code> <error_msg> to know the fundamental reason.


Failed to do auto-login: <errno>

This error message means Mudfish App failed to perform the auto-login due to <errno>. Each <errno> points:

  • -3

    This includes multiple meaning. Mostly, the token which used to perform the auto-login is no longer valid or expired.


Failed to receive information from the master server for MS record: <rv> <errno> <errmsg>

This error points that it failed to fetch the mudfish nodes information from the mudfish master server. <errmsg> should point why it happens:

  • 115 Operation now in progress

    This error code normally points that the mudfish master server terminates the connection due to the timeout.

If you see this error continually, please log out the app and enable the network bypass feature at the sign in screen and test it again.


talkc_open() fail.

This error indicates that there's a problem to connect to mudfish RTT daemon. Normally other error messages is already logged before showing this message.


Failed to prepare VPN interface.

This error means that the Mudfish app is not prepared to create a VPN profile on the system or is revoked while creating a VPN profile.

Please check that you're using other VPN programs or running. Sometimes other VPN prgoram running triggers this issue.


Problem setting up in-app billing: Response Code: <result_code>

This warning means that it failed to set up the in-app billing environment <result_code>

  • BILLING_UNAVAILABLE, Debug Message: Billing service unavailable on device.


    This error indicates that a user billing error occurred during the purchase process. Examples of when this can occur include:

    • The Play Store app on the user's device is out of date.
    • The user is in an unsupported country.
    • The user is an enterprise user, and their enterprise admin has disabled users from making purchases.
    • Google Play is unable to charge the user’s payment method. For example, the user's credit card might have expired.

    Possible resolution

    Automatic retries are unlikely to help in this case. However, a manual retry can help if the user addresses the condition that caused the issue. For example, if the user updates their Play Store version to a supported version, then a manual retry of the initial operation could work.

    If this error occurs when the user is not in session, retrying might not make sense. When you receive a BILLING_UNAVAILABLE error as a result of the purchase flow, it’s very likely the user received feedback from Google Play during the purchase process and might be aware of what went wrong. In this case, you could show an error message specifying something went wrong and offer a “Try again” button to give the user the option of a manual retry after they address the issue.


Testing to failed.

This error means that it failed to connect "". Due to this issue, the mudfish app enables the firewall bypass mode.

Please check your network has the network firewall which filters accesses to Mudfish.


tun -> server: Got <exception>

This error points that it failed to send UDP packet due to <exception> error. It shows more details about why:

  • sendto failed

    • EPERM (Operation not permitted)

      This error indicates that sendto(2) operatioin for UDP (this UDP is used by the mudfish communicateion between app and mudfish node) is blocked by some reason.

      Please check you're using a firewall app on your phone or there's OS-dependent configuration to block mudfish.


Unsuccessful response

This error means

  • Mudfish app detects that you're under the nework firewall because it failed to pass the firewall test.

  • With the firewall bypass mode enabled, Mudfish app failed to fetch the list of mudfish nodes from the mudfish master server via the cloudflare CDN proxy.

If you think the firewall test was false positive, you can manually turn off the firewall bypass mode at the sign-in screen.


VSS_open( failed: <error_code> <error_number>.

Please check MUDEXP_00262 error link for details. This is triggered by the same reason mentioned in MUDEXP_00262 section.


talkc__recv() error.

This error indicates that there's a problem to communicate between your phone and mudfish RTT daemon. Normally other error messages will follow up to point the detailed reason.


VSS_open( failed: <error_code> <error_number>.

For this error code, please check the below MUDEXP_00262 error section. The reason is same.


VSS_open( failed: <error_code> <error_number>. Try next.

This error means that there's a problem to communicate between your phone and mudfish RTT daemon. <error_code> points more details:


    This means that there's no response from mudfish RTT daemon for a while. This could happen if 1) mudfish RTT daemon is down or 2) there's a network firewall which blocks the connections to Mudfish.


    This error means that it failed to perform connect(2) to the mudfish master server. <error_number> points why it failed to connect:


      Network is unreachable. By some unknown reason, the network is unreachble to the mudfish master server. Please check what kind apps you're running in the background.


VSS_open( failed: <error_code> <error_number>. Try next.

For this error code, please check the above MUDEXP_00262 error section. The reason is same.


connect(2) fail: <errno> <err_string>

This warning means that it failed to calculate RTT (Round Trip Time) between your mobile phone and mudfish nodes using TCP protocol. Please check <errno> at below for details:

  • 101 Network is unreachable

    This code means the network is unreachable where Mudfish app tried to connect.


Failed to do the auto-login (reason <reason_code>)

This error means that the mudfish app tried to perform the auto-login but failed due to <reason_code> error. <reason_code> points

  • 4

    This reason code points that your authentication token is invalid or expired. You need to sign in again with your ID / password.